A short bio: Sercan Aygun is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Informatics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL). Sercan has double BSc. and MSc. degrees from both EEEng and CEng departments. Sercan completed his PhD. at Istanbul Technical University with two one-year long research visits to UCLouvain and ULL. He has 10-year teaching experience at Yildiz Technical University, prior to his postdoctoral study at ULL. Sercan was visiting Assistant Professor before starting his tenure-track position at ULL. He has more than 60 peer-reviewed papers, >360 certified paper reviews, and 12 pending patent applications. Sercan's research interests encompass a range of topics, including Stochastic Computing, Unary Processing, Hyperdimensional Computing, and tiny Learning Machines.
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor at University of Louisiana at Lafayette ⚜
301 E. Lewis St., James R. Oliver Hall, 351, Lafayette, LA 70503, USA
e-mail: sercan.aygun@louisiana.edu
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applications are only accepted by the submission from the link above.
Research Interests:
Stochastic Computing (SC)
-my PhD-
Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) -my PostDoc-
Embedded Systems & Hardware Design
Biometric Systems & Sensor-of-Things
Recommendation Systems
🏆 2024 - First Place Doctorate Award in Science & Engineering from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) & Teknofest (link)
🏆 2024 - Best Poster Award in GLSVLSI'24 Conference in Tampa, FL, USA
🏆2023 - Innovation and Creativity Awards by Turkish Electronic Manufacturers Association (TESID), The Best Scientific Application Ph.D. Award in University-Industry Collaboration
Selected as a MLCommons Rising Star (link).
🏆2023 - First Place Best Paper in GLSVLSI'23 Conference in Knoxville, TN, USA
🏆2023 - One of the 3 Best Reviewers in 2022 of IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
2023 - Travel Grant for the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) - Ph.D. Forum
2022 - ACM Travel Grant for Design Automation Conference (DAC) - Ph.D. Forum
2021 - 2022 Research Visit - USA, University of Louisiana Lafayette (project support from link)
2018 - 2019 Visiting Ph.D. Student - Belgium, Université Catholique de Louvain (Istanbul Tech. Uni - Erasmus+ Grant)
🏆2016 - Best Paper Award - 4th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS), (with IEEE travel grant)
🏆2016 - Best Poster Award VIII. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Little Rock, USA
[Mar'25] Our paper has been accepted to SUMO User Conference 2025.
[Mar'25] Three papers have been accepted to DAC'25 LBR.
[Mar'25] Our lab member Jonas Schmidt has received the 2024-2025 Advance Leaf Award at UL Lafayette.
[Mar'25] Our lab. has received NVIDIA Hardware Grant.
[Mar'25] Invited as a session co-chair for DAC'25 Conference.
[Mar'25] Our paper has been accepted to FCCM'25.
[Mar'25] Our lab member Abu Kaisar's PhD. Poster has been accepted from IEEE DCAS 2025.
[Mar'25] Our paper has been accepted to IEEE AP-S/URSI 2025.
[Feb'25] Our lab member Faeze Banitaba has successfully passed her prospectus exam.
[Feb'25] Invited as a TPC for DAC LBR'25 conference.
[Feb'25] Our lab member Faeze Banitaba has received Uni. of Louisiana at Lafayette Completion Fellowship for the 2025- 2026 academic year.
[Feb'25] Two papers have been accepted to DAC'25.
[Feb'25] Our paper has been accepted to ARQTEC workshop collocated with HPCA 2025.
[Feb'25] Our paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
[Jan'25] Our paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.
[Jan'25] Two papers have been accepted to ISCAS'25 conference.
[Jan'25] Invited as a TPC for ISLPED'25 conference.
[Dec'24] Invited to be a Registration Chair at GLSVLSI'25, (will be held at beautiful New Orleans!)
[Nov'24] Became NSF Reviewer!
[Nov'24] Invited as a TPC for DAC'25 conference.
[Nov'24] Invited as a TPC for ISCAS'25 conference.
[Oct'24] Elevated to IEEE Senior Member!
[Sep'24] Invited as a TPC for DATE'25 conference.
[Sep'24] Honored to receive First Place Doctorate Award in Science & Engineering from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) & Teknofest!
[Sep'24] Invited as a session co-chair for ICCAD'25 conference.
[Aug'24] Our paper (Sobol Sequence Optimization for Hardware-Efficient Vector Symbolic Architectures) has been accepted to IEEE TCAD.
[Jul'24] Our paper has been accepted to ESWEEK'24.
[Jun'24] Our paper (Word2HyperVec: From Word Embeddings to Hypervectors for Hyperdimensional Computing) was selected as Best Poster Award in GLSVLSI'24 Conference in Tampa, FL, USA. link, award ceremony.
[May'24] Our paper has been accepted to ISLPED'24.
[May'24] Invited as a session co-chair for GLSVLSI'24 Conference.
[Apr'24] I became a member of the Organizing Committee of MLCommons Rising Stars 2024 event.
[Apr'24] Our paper has been accepted to GLSVLSI'24.
[Mar'24] Our paper has been accepted to Design Automation Conference (DAC'24).
[Mar'24] Our paper has been accepted to the Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements NICE'2024 Conference.
[Mar'24] Two papers have been accepted to the 2nd Workshop on Unary Computing (WUC 2024) in conjunction with ASPLOS'24.
[Mar'24] Our student Jonas Schmidt won the Leaf Award of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
[Feb'24] Invited as a TPC for GLSVLSI'24 Conference.
[Feb'24] Invited as a session co-chair for DAC'24 Conference.
[Jan'24] Invited as a TPC for the 2nd Workshop on Unary Computing (WUC) in conjunction with ASPLOS'24.
[Jan'24] Our paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
[Jan'24] I have been elected as a secretary for the IEEE Lafayette Computer Chapter.
[Dec'23] My dissertation was accepted for Ph.D. Forum in ASP-DAC'24.
[Nov'23] One paper has been accepted to DATE'24.
[Oct'23] Two papers have been accepted to NANOARCH'23.
[Sep'23] Our paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.
[Sep'23] The Best Scientific Application Ph.D. Award was received.
[Sep'23] I have been selected as a finalist for the Best Ph.D. Thesis Award by Turkish Electronic Manufacturers Association.
[Sep'23] Our paper has been accepted in ASP-DAC'24.
[Aug'23] Research work presented in MLCommons Rising Stars event @Google.
[Aug'23] One patent has been filed.
[Jul'23] Two patents have been filed.
[Jul'23] Research Funding Award from Louisiana Space and Sea Grant to our research group ($4,000) for student (Jonas I Schmidt) that I work with (Project PI: Prof. M. Hassan Najafi) Project Name: "Emerging Computing for Underwater Image Processing" link
[Jul'23] Our paper "No-Multiplication Deterministic Hyperdimensional Encoding for Resource-Constrained Devices" was accepted in ESWEEK'23 conference and will be published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.
[Jul'23] Our paper "Hardware-Software Co-optimization of Long-Latency Stochastic Computing" was accepted in ESWEEK'23 conference and will be published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.
[Jun'23] Our paper (Bit-Stream Processing with No Bit-Stream: Efficient Software Simulation of Stochastic Vision Machines) was selected as First Place Best Paper in GLSVLSI'23 Conference in Knoxville, TN, USA. link, award ceremony
[May'23] I was selected for the program Machine Learning and Systems Rising Stars 2023 (Acc. Rate: <35%) organized by MLCommons.
[Apr'23] Our paper (Bit-Stream Processing with No Bit-Stream: Efficient Software Simulation of Stochastic Vision Machines) has been nominated as best paper in GLSVLSI'23 Conference in Knoxville, TN, USA.
[Apr'23] I was selected as one of the three best Reviewers of 2022 in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.
[Apr'23] I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ASSYST Workshop in ISCA'23.
[Mar'23] Two papers were accepted to GLSVLSI'23.
[Mar'23] I have received a travel grant for the DATE'23 PhD Forum.
[Feb'23] Our paper "Stochastic Computing Design and Implementation of a Sound Source Localization System" was accepted for publication in IEEE JETCAS.
[Jan'23] Our paper "Agile Simulation of Stochastic Computing Image Processing with Contingency Tables" was accepted for publication in IEEE TCAD.
[Jan'23] Our paper "A Linear-Time, Optimization-Free, and Edge Device-Compatible Hypervector Encoding" was accepted to DATE'23.
[Dec'22] Our paper "Time-Bin-Based Neighbourhood Algorithm for Temporal Effects in Recommendation Systems" was published in TV-TG Technical Gazette.
[Nov'22] I have successfully defended my Ph.D.: Stochastic Bitstream-Based Vision and Learning Machines.
[Oct'22] I have presented my doctoral research in ESWEEK'22 Ph.D. Forum.
[Oct'22] I have attended ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition in ESWEEK'22 and receipt Best Scientific Research Award based on my doctoral research.
[Oct'22] I have attended ACM SIGDA Student Research Competition in ICCAD'22.
[Oct'22] I have attended Ph.D. Forum in ESWEEK'22.
[Jul'22] I have attended PhD. Forum of DAC'22 (with ACM Travel Grant).